Image Consultancy is a term that we frequently come across in professional field. Image consultants are usually experts in marketing and Fashion. Image consultants are equipped to train their clients to improve their image for social events or to achieve certain goals.


Image consultancy is a professional field that aims to improve the image of the client personally or professionally through appearance, behavior and communication. It is the process of evaluating the effect of a person’s appearance, on their professional image.

An Image Consultant’s main focus is on style of dressing, personal style, apparel marketing, body language and etiquette. They take a customer through a process of evaluating their existing lifestyle and help them change their body language as well as attire, in order to improve their personal image.


Projecting an winning image to create an impactful first impression is the key to success in personal, professional and social life. A person’s image is a combination of several factors like appearance, clothes, etiquette, body language, personality and others. Only an image consultant can help people project a winning image in all aspects. An Image Consultant helps in the following manner :-

• Dressing as per roles and goals to create an appropriate clothing communication.
• Dressing as per one’s body shape, variation and personal colours.
• Incorporating personal style in dressing.
• Guiding a client to build their wardrobe in a cluster to create variety in an affordable price.
• Appropriate body language and etiquette.


There are countless career opportunities in image consulting to choose from. Some of the best image consultant jobs as well as career options include – PROFESSIONAL GOALS

• Start your own image consulting business – After completing your image consultancy certification course, you can start your own image consulting business.

• Corporate Trainer – You can become a corporate trainer and start training professionals.

• Etiquette Consultant – You can become an etiquette consultant and train individuals on how to behave properly in social or business settings.

• Personal Shopper – If you cultivate an interest in curating fashion and outfits, then you can become a personal shopper. A personal shopper helps vlients to shop shop for the right clothing and accessories.

• Body Language and Communication Trainer – After competition your image consultant certification, you can become a body language and communication trainer and train your clients about the correct way of using non-verbal communication.

• Fashion stylist/Wardrobe stylist – Fashion stylist is quite a sought-after career in image consulting domain. You will be able to consult clients for award shows, music videos, commercials, movies and official photos shoots.

• Personal Brand Strategist and Public Relations – Personal branding is an area where the demand for a personal brand strategist or consultant is very high. As a brand strategist, you get to help your clients to establish their own authentic brand.


In only one-tenth of a second, a person who looks at you, forms an opinion about you. In such a case, to make an impactful first impression, an image consultant is inevitable. An image consultant is equipped  to identify your body shape and suggest ways and means to enhance your positive attributes. PROFESSIONAL GOALS

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