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Search Engine When Information is at Our Fingertips

A Search Engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web searches. It allows the users to look up information on the World Wide Web ( WWW), known as the Internet. The search engine achieves this by looking at many web pages to find matches to the user’s search inputs. It returns results, which are ranked by relevancy and popularity by the search engine. Some very popular search engines are Google Search, Yahoo! Search,, etc. Web search engines have changed our world. The search results are generally presented in a line of results and they are often referred to as Search Engine Result Pages ( SERPS). The information may be a mix of links to web pages, images, videos, infographics, articles, research papers, and other types of files.


Modern search engines are pretty incredible – complex algorithms enable search engines to take the search query and return results that are usually quite accurate. Search engines have come a long way since their early prototypes. Search engine history all started in 1990 with Archie ( an FTP site) hosting an index of downloadable directory listings. The first search engine was developed by Alan Emtage, a student at Mc Gill University in Montreal. One of the most well-known directories was DMOZ, created in 1988 by two engines at Sun Microsystems. The directory became the default way of finding information on the web for many, with a search function for faster directory navigation. Web Crawler, launched in 1994, was the first search engine to be widely used, as well as the first to fully index the content on web pages. The first popular search engine on the web was Yahoo! Search. It became one of the most popular ways for people to find web pages of interest. Soon after, a number of search engines appeared and vied for popularity. These included Magellan, Infoseek, Alta Vista, etc. Google adopted the idea of selling search terms in 1998, from a small search engine company named Around 2000, Google’s search engine rose to prominence and the rest is history. By the turn of the century, the web had entered most aspects of our lives from communication to e-government, e-commerce, and e-learning, making it much more than just an informational repository.


During the past two decades, the internet has evolved to become a necessity in our daily lives. The selection and sorting algorithms of search engines exert tremendous influence over the global spread of information and other communication processes. According to statistics, the internet hosts over 625 million active websites. Search engines such as Google and Bings are the keys to finding the answers one seeks in the huge mass of data. A Search Engine saves time in two ways – by eliminating the need to find information manually and by performing at high speeds. Thus, search engine plays an important role in education by enhancing efficiency, the productivity of teachers and students. Search engines delivering websites containing credible and evidence-based medical information impact positively, internet users seeking health information. Moreover, easy availability of all sorts of information help people of all profession and from all walks of life. Any information, be it on travel destinations, products, weather, politics, festival, or anything under the sun, is literally at our fingertips. And most importantly, accurate information. Harnessing this powerful resource gives companies strategic advantages by leveraging information into essential business assets.


  1. Kevin Martin

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  2. Sarah Albert

    Aenean nisl urna, auctor vel lacinia vitae, gravida et nunc. Donec et arcu sit amet leo tempor scelerisque ultrices eget ex. Nam quis condimentum est. Duis ullamcorper placerat turpis at tristique.

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