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Mosquito control to prevent dengue the biggest need of the hour 2

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection causing a severe flu-like illness, whose incidence has increased nearly thirty fold in the last fifty years. Current scenario of dengue in India is quite alarming. Dengue is endemic in India. Transmission occurs year-round in the southern areas and from April through November in the Northern states. If we go by the reports it can be said that in Kolkata, the number of dengue patients has doubled up in last two/three weeks since end of October. Thus the situation is really grave and all sorts of precautions should be taken to stop the spreading of the disease. As most of we already know, dengue is spread through the bite of the female mosquito Aedes Aegypti. Not only dengue, but also other deadly diseases like Chikungunya and yellow fever are also spread by these mosquitoes. Thus to stop this alarming upsurge of mosquito-borne diseases, it is absolutely essential for us to practice mosquito control.


For dengue outbreak, we have Aedes Aegypti mosquito to blame. Like most of the other mosquitoes, the Aedes Aegypti also make their home in the corners of the house and nearby surroundings. Ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes include dark and damp spaces such as water storage tanks, flower pots, gutters, plastics containers, etc. During monsoon season, all of these become flushed with stagnant water and thus provide ample breeding space for these mosquitoes. The Aedes Aegypti is a day biting mosquito. This means that the mosquito is most active during day light, approximately for two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset.
           Dengue does not spread directly from one person to another. However, when the mosquito bites a person infected with the disease, it becomes infected. After about one week, the mosquito can transmit the virus while biting a healthy person.


The Indian Government has launched several awareness programmes to educate the masses about the mosquitoes and prevent the spreading of dengue ; yet it’s up to each one of us to do our bit. Every dark and damp corner needs to be cleaned and there should be no stagnant water in and around the house. As the Aedes Aegypti mosquito is mostly active during day time, it’s better to keep ourselves covered and wear loose clothing. Mosquito nets should be used at night and all sorts of mosquito repellants (in the forms sprays, gels or patches) should be used by people of all age groups, both during day and night. Apart from these basic precautions you can contact professionals like us to ensure complete mosquito control in your residential or commercial premises.

            We at KFM Pvt Ltd, specialise in all sorts of pest control. We only use chemicals which are recommended by World Health Organisation. We have a team of dexterous professionals who block the mosquitoes from breeding indoors and stop new mosquitoes from entering the home by using a unique spray. Being organic and made from natural materials, the sprays and solutions used by us are skin friendly and harmless to humans. We carry out these services at any time of the day as per your convenience. Thus to opt for a customization, strategic yet economically viable solution to your mosquito-related problems, call us now!!


  1. Kevin Martin

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  2. Sarah Albert

    Aenean nisl urna, auctor vel lacinia vitae, gravida et nunc. Donec et arcu sit amet leo tempor scelerisque ultrices eget ex. Nam quis condimentum est. Duis ullamcorper placerat turpis at tristique.

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