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Cyber bullying bullying with the aid of digital technology


With the rapid advancement of technology and huge expansion of digital sphere, certain terms have become a part of our daily vocabulary. Cyberbullying is one such term. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment, using electronic means.


Cyberbullying is bullying with the aid of digital technology . It can take place on Social media, Messaging platforms, Gaming platforms, and Mobile phones. It is repeated behavior that aims to scare, anger, or shame the targeted people. Cyberbullying is also known as Cyber-harassment. Cyberbullying examples include spreading lies about or posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone on social media. Sending hurtful, abusive, or threatening messages, images, or videos via messaging platforms is also another form of Cyber-harassment.


Cyberbullying is, in many cases, an extension of already existing traditional bullying. Cyberbullying has become increasingly common these days, especially among teenagers. Students who are bullied over the social media have, in most cases, also been bullied in other more traditional ways before. These cyber victims are often seen to be physically stronger students, which causes bullies to prefer online confrontations over face-to-face contact at school. Cyberbullying consequences include lower self-esteem and increased social ideation. Victims of cyberbullying also experience various negative emotional responses like being scared, frustrated, angry or depressed. Several US states and other countries have passed laws to combat cyberbullying. In India, several laws have been enacted to punish the offenders and protect the victims and they are known as anti-bullying laws. technology


Statistics of Cyberbullying makes one fact very clear, this kind of bullying in school kids is at the majority.

• One in four kids have been bullied more than once and in total, 43% kids have fallen pray to cyberbullying.

• India is at the 3rd position in the list of online bullying cases as per a survey conducted by Microsoft some time back.

• 70% of cyberbullying or anti-bullying activities happen over Facebook.

• Usage of mobile phones by more than 90% of the teens make it a common and most popular medium for anti-bullying.

• It is believed by more than 85% of youth, that getting away with online bullying is easier compared to traditional bullying.

• Girls are more preferred victims of cyberbullying as compared to boys.

• Victims of Cyberbullying are 2 to 9times more prone to committing suicide.


Parents, children and school administration can take steps to stop cyberbullying before it becomes worse. Parents can keep the computers in a common area of home, talk regularly and specifically with the children about online issues, build trust with the kids and not over react or under react. Kids can fight against cyberbullying not by responding to the bullies and most importantly by not becoming an accomplice. School authorities should adopt a zero-tolerance policy for all types of bullying and incorporate Internet safety awareness.


With the smartphones becoming accessible to everyone and digital activities becoming more common, cyberbullying is increasing at a rapid rate. It can affect anyone and cost someone their life. Thus it is extremely important to work hard to stop cyberbullying because hundreds of lives can be saved.


  1. Kevin Martin

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  2. Sarah Albert

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